Original Zorro Story “Death of a Grandee” Wins Pulp Factory Award for Best Short Story (2021)

Author John L. French has won Best Pulp Short Story in the 2021 Pulp Factory Awards for his story “Death of a Grandee,” collected in Bold Venture Press’s recent anthology, Zorro: The Daring Escapades. Pulp Factory awards are held yearly, and winners chosen by the public from a shortlist generated by the Pulp Factory, a professional association of pulp writers, artists, editors and publishers. Visit Mike Glyer’s File 770 for a full list of 2021 Pulp Factory Award winners.
In conversation with Bold Venture editor Audrey Parente, Mr. French said, “There are a number of people to thank for this award. First of all, there’s Audrey Parente for inviting me into the anthology and for doing a great job of editing. There is Zorro Productions, for keeping the legend alive. There are the good folk at the Pulp Factory and the Radio Archives who sponsored the awards. I’d also like to thank those who took the time to nominate me and to vote for me. Thanks also to artists Daniel Horne and Perego for the wonderful cover and illustrations. And, of course, I must thank Johnston McCulley, without whom there would have been no Zorro.”
Congratulations, Mr. French!
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